If you are interested in my research, please follow one of the following links:

Nerian Vision

My former computer vision startup which specialized in embedded systems for real-time machine vision. While this is no longer a separate company, the brand and products do live on.

Link: nerian.com

Stereo Vision for Autonomous Micro Aerial Vehicles

My PhD thesis which I have written at the University of Tübingen, Germany. I have investigated stereo vision based methods for the design of autonomous micro aerial vehicles. The focus is on stereo matching, localization and occupancy mapping.

Link: hdl.handle.net/10900/55173

Google Scholar Profile

My profile at Google Scholar. This website contains a complete list of all my publications to date.

Link: scholar.google.com/citations?user=_uim7goAAAAJ

University of Tübingen Profile

My profile at the University of Tübingen where I have pursued my PhD in computer science.

Link: www.ra.cs.uni-tuebingen.de/mitarb/schauwecker